"There was a lecturer who had the following topic: "We must eat organic food products in order to live many years!" He managed to keep two lectures and then he died! Do not believe that eating organic food will make you live longer. This idea is a lie. Yes, organic food is healthy but the life of every man is in the hands of God and is not dependent on organic food products."
"Our guardian angel is our closest friend, he is the strongest helper on earth. His mission is to enlighten us, bombard us with good thoughts, strenghten our minds and helps us to clearly discern bad thoughts and carry our prayers to Heaven. When we pray, he prays with us. When we do something good, he prays for us - but not when we sin. When we go to sleep, he goes and presents our good deeds to God. God knows them, but it's the angels task (anyway) to do this. And if we are "well" with him, because we consciously live spiritual life, then little before our deaths he will announce to us that it is our time to leave this world."
"God is so humble that He respects the self-determination of every human person and does not interfere with anyone's life unless he wants it. In able for God to work with a human person, a human person must first humble himself and ask for His help through prayer. Can a humble person work with a proud person? But a humble person can work with a humble person."
- Archimandrite Ephraim,
Skete of Saints Andrew the First-Called and Anthony the Great,
Holy Mountain